• Mental Health

    Lydia Part 4: The Silent Struggle

    “So you’re willing to consider anything?” Yes, anything except a history of severe mental health issues. We had considered our parameters carefully. We wanted a baby and were really open to whatever they could throw at us, except that. Having…

  • Mental Health

    Lydia Part 2: Things Fall Apart

    Our extended family was already fracturing at the seams. My parents got caught in the bursting of the housing bubble in 2006, and then they moved to Texas. In 2012, Paul’s parents separated and his dad (David) was diagnosed with…

  • Mental Health

    Lydia Part 1: When We Were Two

    “You should be a teacher so we can have the summers off together.” While I understood that Paul’s suggestion was somewhat selfishly motivated, he did have a point. Teaching was not only a noble profession, but it also had the…

  • Mental Health

    Censored Information

    That day I answered the phone and heard about each of my children is one I will never forget. The experience is both exhilarating and exhausting all at the same time. We waited so long to hear we were going…

  • Mental Health

    Losing Daniel

    A piece of my heart has roamed the Earth these past 14 years without me, I’ve not been able to protect it, and I’ll never get it back. Renée Longshore Tweet I was living and breathing my worst adoption nightmare.…

  • Mental Health


    Whatever you do, don’t pity me. And please don’t try to comfort, telling me that someday it may happen. I consider myself one of the most blessed women on the face of this earth. Renée Longshore Tweet I am a…