
America’s National Parks: A Look Back

When we set this goal seven years ago, we could not imagine life beyond that moment. Our four children were young (ages 4-11) and we were just catching our breath. After countless, non-stop years of diaper changes, potty training, and developmental activities, we were entering a new season of parenthood. 

As our children grew, we considered our next steps. With all of them coming home through adoption, our desire was to communicate love and purposeful connection. We wanted to root them in a family tradition.

The Beginning of a Beautiful Tradition

Paul and I enjoyed being outdoors, traveling and visiting America’s National Parks even before children. He proposed to me in the middle of the Giant Sequoias of Yosemite when they were still blanketed with winter snow. 

We could not think of a greater gift to pass on to the next generation. There were 48 National Parks within the contingent United States at that time. If we planned on visiting all of them before our oldest ventured off to college, we would have to break them up into “summer loops” over the next seven years.

The Plan

The west-coastal loop of 2014, south-eastern loop of 2015, Arizona/Utah loop of 2016, north-eastern loop of 2017, Nevada/Colorado loop of 2018, Texas/New Mexico loop of 2019, and north-west inland loop of 2020. Now, in the summer of 2021, after the pandemic stalled our plans, we will be finishing up with a trip to Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons, and Glacier National Parks.

To say we are relieved and excited is an understatement. We are thrilled to be hitting the road once again with our four children in tow (with a big thanks to our 18 year old who could have chosen otherwise)! 

This trip marks the first of many as our children start leaving the nest and (hopefully) still choose to stay connected. It is what we had hoped for, what we dreamed. A familial bond solidified through purpose, trial and error, and love. Finding adventure, together, in the great outdoors.

To Begin June 14...
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