Building A Family Through Domestic Adoption
This road bending, winding through forests, cavernous valleys, and scaling peaks has no end. It goes on. Past the point of reason, of hopes and dreams, even into the realm of goulash nightmares it meanders on its own free will. When I first stepped foot on this road I dared not guess where it would take me. My thoughts were filled with the hope of endless possibility, of all that was good and pleasant. That is where I found myself most comfortable, and so I stayed awhile.
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“Pam’s Fight Crew”
So ready for this! Naomi and I will be participating in the 2021 Komen Los Angeles County MORE THAN PINK Walk in honor of her birth mom/my sister-from-another-mister, Pam.

America’s National Parks: A Look Back
When we set this goal seven years ago, we could not imagine life beyond that moment. Our four children were young (ages 4-11) and we were just catching our breath.

Preconceived Notions
Adoptive Mom. One minute placed on a pedestal too high for my liking, and the next in a mad free-fall, splat on the ground. A hero or villain, neither of which reflect who I truly am.

It’s Not What You Think
Adoption. It’s not about giving a child a home, a hand-up. It’s not about helping a woman survive an untimely pregnancy and birth. It’s about growing up, and realizing we were never meant to be their savior.
The Longshore Family
Open Adoption: From The Perspective of Both Moms
Written By: Renée Longshore and Pamela Shaw
Open Adoption is not a "for-now" but a "forever" relationship with both a child and their family. In this book, Pam (birth mom) and I (adoptive mom) share the beginning of our journey (pre-birth to three years), offering an understanding of an open adoption relationship, from both perspectives.
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